Friday, January 12, 2007

More on Graeme Burton

Seems Graeme Burton has recovered enough to be charged with a total of 25 offences. Has had one of his rat bag mates come in and try to visit him, then leave saying he's gonna get the cops that shot Burton and vandalise a cop car outside the hospital. Now the cops are after another scum sucker - maybe they'll get the chance to put his one down.

Oh, and another parolee is on the run - lock ya doors:

And still more, in the Dominion today, news that another scum ball charged with firearms offences has jumped bail and the cops are looking for him. How the hell did he get bail? What's wrong with our judges?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Scum Bags on Parole

There's not a lot more I can say after Andrews effort.

Yes Graeme Burton was truely a mad bastard and in hind sight the parole board should have known better. We will probably never know the information they had to base their decision on. It's just a bloody shame that other people had to get hurt in the process. Innocent people minding their own business.

The only real question I have is why the cops shot him in the leg. Now I've done a bit of hunting and have learnt that the best way to make sure your target goes down is to aim for "the big bit" ie the chest. It's much easier to hit a big target than a small one.

I would have also thought that an offender carrying a gun can still shoot back after being shot in the leg. He sure as hell ain't going to shoot back if hes been shot in the chest.

Now I wasn't there in the heat of battle but surely these guys have been trained for this type of situation.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The latest rampage

Great, another pscho let off the leash to wreck havoc in the community! Over the past week another convicted murderer (Graeme Burton) out on parole has been on the run and finally has only been caught after killing another innocent person. I've decided, for this blog to list the good/bad, lucky/unlucky aspects for those involved:

The Killer:

- Lucky: to get out of jail after only serving 14 years for killing someone in a drug-induced rage.

- Unlucky: the police were chasing him as soon as he breached his bail conditions (great).

- Lucky: had a good stash of weapons and didn't mind breaking into other peoples' houses to get more or more money etc.

- Unlucky: to get chased into some bush.

- Lucky: to run into a guy on a quad. Kill the guy, steal quad.

- Unlucky: quad won't start.

- Lucky: some mountain bikers turn up. Assault one, shoot and injure 2 more (didn't really know how to safely handle firearms).

- Unlucky: the word got out to the police and the armed offenders turned up and popped him.

- Lucky: Only wounded in the leg. Police poor shots - supposed to aim for chest area.

- Unlucky: Lost his leg (boo hoo).

- Lucky: was talk he may be eligible for some sort of ACC payout.

- Unlucky: after a bit of hoo hah in the news - no payout.

- Lucky: he'll never have to work again in his life - will be in prison for a couple of years (probably get parole again) and when he get's out will probably just end up on a disability pension. - the excuse

The Public

- Lucky? to have a parole system that looks after the baddies

- Unlucky: every now again convicted scumbags reoffend which means more innocent people are harmed when maybe they should have been better protected.

- Lucky: the cops got the man

- Unlucky: before they got him, he killed 1 person and injured a number of others.

- Lucky: the cops shot him

- Unlucky: they made a has of it the guy's still breathing and we're paying for his hospital bills.

- Lucky: he should get locked up for a while

- Unlucky: we're still paying for this and he wont be the last...

The Police

- Unlucky: they have to pick up the pieces when the justice system fails

- Unlucky: weren't able to get their man before he killed again and will take some flack over this

- Lucky: got there man without any cops getting shot

- Unlucky: poor shooting

- Unlucky: some cop has to be investigated to see if the shooting was warranted

- Lucky: should be open and shut case

- Good: the cops are pretty good at getting these morons.

Parole Board

- It's all bad...Let a maniac out to kill again

- Unlucky: probably haven't got the powers to really help keep public safe.

- Lucky: according to the news tonight only 7% of parolees get re-convicted in their first year out of prison. Probably takes justice system over a year put them back into prison so they end up in the 2nd year's statistics???

- Weird: they say that it is asking for trouble to release hardened criminals without parole as a method of making sure they are rehabilitated correctly into the community. Fine, but why let them out early on parole? Let them do their time first and then put them on parole.

PS: Don't want this blog to look anti-police - great work getting this guy. Shame about the shooting accuracy.